Friday, January 23, 2009

My Dad, The Senior Citizen

We had a birthday party for my dad at my aunt Joanie's house. He turned 55 on January 21st.

My dad has many distinctive qualities. His hair sticks up straight. He is never seen without a Starbucks cup full of iced tea. Also, my dad loves BBQ. Here is a picture of him enjoying BBQ spare ribs.

My aunt got everyone Starbucks cups and iced tea so we could all be like him for the evening.

Here is my dad and his brother. My uncle Jimmy tried to fro his hair and wave the cup around acting like my dad. Imitation is the best compliment.

Here is Casey and Gracie chowing down on the delicious dinner.

My dad blew on his two candles, but he did not manage to extinguish them. It's tough being a senior citizen.


Witness My Fitness said...

My dad turned 55 on the 7th of January! I guess they are only 2 weeks apart!

Anonymous said...

Dang you are like a pro blogger these days Lindy! I love you and thanks for doing that Pepperdine thing for me. =] I started my own blog too! There's a shoutout to you in my about area. Yay. Love you and miss you. =]